Monday, August 15, 2011

Create Shutdown, Restart and Logoff Button on your Desktop

The shutdown window of Ubuntu.Image

      Simply you can Shutdown, Restart and Logoff your computer without going
to Start Buttons. For this you have to create Shutdown, Restart and Logoff Shortcut Buttons on your Desktop. I made it down step by step description of how to do it.

Shutdown options have been moved from a separa...Image

Shutdown button:

·         1st click on the right mouse button.
·         Click New.
·         Click Shortcut.
·         Type Shutdown-r-t 10 at the dialog box. Here you can give time.
·         Click the Add button, Give Shortcut name (Shutdown pc).
·         Click the Finish button.
Yes, done.
Now change the icon.
·         Click right mouse button on the created Shortcut Button.
·         Click Properties.
·         Click Change Icon.
·         Select the Icon.
·         Click ok.
It is done. Now double-click on the Shortcut, you will see that your computer Shutdown.

Windows XP shutdown dialog box.Image
Restart button:
It will be the same process, only the code will be different. The code of Restart button is shutdown-r-t 10.

Logoff button:
It will be the same process, only the code will be different. The code of Restart button is shutdown-l-t 10.


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